The phases of the Kagami program
The preliminary phase
Information meeting: Before committing to the KAGAMI program, future participants take part in an hour and a half information meeting during which the KAGAMI coach, accompanied by former participants, presents the method and answers any questions.
Registration form: After the information meeting, future participants complete a questionnaire to validate their availability and commitment, as well as to identify their specific accommodation needs in relation to a disability.
Individual interview: Based on the questionnaire, the KAGAMI coach collects the needs and expectations of the future participant, and validates their compatibility with the KAGAMI program.
First group session: For three hours, the KAGAMI coach goes over the method in more detail and introduces the concept of Proven Skills. At the end of this session, the participants formally express their needs and expectations (see below) and validate their registration (bank transfer if personal financing or activation of the CPF financing for French residents). => Needs and expectations: Participants complete the questionnaire "My Expectations", which will guide their future work and serve as an evaluation indicator.
The investigation phase using the IKIGAÏ method
Sharing and analyzing your professional and personal journey.
Identification of your technical, personal and interpersonal skills, contextualization and impactfull communication.
Identification of your passions, your mission and your constraints.
Identification of your target positioning using the structure/impact quadrant method (self-employed, small/large company employee, entrepreneur, intrapreneur, etc.).
The closing phase
Choice of 3 professional projects. Verification of their consistency with the result of your Ikigai.
Choice of 1 professional project amongst the 3 previously selected, then summary drafting of the chosen project.
Networking meetings. Understanding how the professional network works. Preparation and simulation of job and networking interviews.
Identification of obstacles including training needs.
Definition of the action plan.
The consolidation phase
Continuing the networking meetings.
Construction and training in targeted pitches.
Adjustment and enrichment of the project.
Construction and monitoring of the action plan taking into account the feasibility, difficulty and priority of the tasks.
Update and weekly report of the action plan.
Work on the business model canvas for "independent" or "entrepreneur" projects.
The service offer phase
Preparation of a service offer, i.e. a response to a job offer as an employee or a service proposal for an entrepreneur, artist or freelancer.
Simulation of a service offer interview.
The 6 months follow-up phase
Completion report by comparing the results obtained with the expectations and objectives initially set-up.
If necessary: review of the remaining tasks of the action plan.
If necessary: personal and professional development follow-up proposal, such as training, individual or group coaching.